Friday, November 21, 2008

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Marc Prensky is a speaker, writer, consultant,and inventor who focuses his abilities on improving the areas of learning and education. In his essay "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants," he highlights how students today think and process information fundamentally differently from the older generation, due to being surrounded by and brought up with new technology. The author calls the older generation “digital immigrants” who are learning and adopting new technology and he names the younger generation "digital natives." He argues that digital natives should adapt teaching methods that compliment to the way of thinking of digital natives primarily through video game technology. While I agree that digital immigrants should acclimate to the new technology that is so highly utilized by digital natives but I don't think that it is necessary that all teaching methods be technology dependent. I think there should be a balance between technology and more traditional methods of teaching. Technology should be used by all means to help enhance understanding and learning for students but not to the extent at which it compromises their social skills and ability to communicate effectively.

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