Friday, September 26, 2008

"Host" by David Foster Wallace

“Host” is by far the most interesting essay that I’ve ever read. David Foster Wallace is critical, thorough, straightforward, and writes in a refreshingly authentic style that kept me engaged. In “Host,” Wallace comments on the corrupt state of the media in general and uses John Zeigler, a conservative talk radio host to convey several of his arguments. A considerable argument throughout the essay is that a bias media (talk radio in particular) that favors conservatism fails to convey a balance of both ideologies to the public. Furthermore, Wallace highlights with logical arguments the flaws of talk radio such as lack of accountability and moral responsibility. He also emphasizes how the business and profit incentive of corporate radio has diminished the original purpose of radio to fulfill social responsibility. I think that the footnote detail of Wallace’s essay provide simultaneous tone as well as strong support for his arguments that make it convincing. Another factor that made his writing so convincing is that he acknowledged the complexities of a judgment or argument. For example, in class we discussed dynamics that support that Ziegler may be a racist but how Wallace says, “…for what it’s worth, John Ziegler does not appear to be a racist as “racist” is generally understood. What he is is more like very, very insensitive…” and he goes on to discuss that it appears Ziegler is racist because of his opposition to political correctness. From the discussion in class, it seems that Wallace is trying to point out that ideally, there should be a strike of balance between political correctness and free speech. Although the combination of the text and the footnotes was initially confusing, overwhelming, and I felt like they slowed me down. But eventually, I began to realize that it was the footnotes that forced me to refocus repeatedly on what Wallace was trying to say and go back over what might be important. I wonder how what inspired him to write his essays in an innovative style.


Unknown said...

This is John Ziegler (No not, David Zeigler), the focus of "Host." I would be interested in knowning more about this class discussion over whether I am a racist (I can assure you that I am not).

I would also urge you to check out what I wrote about Wallace's suicide:

kpatel said...

The objective of the class discussion was to analyze the text of "Host." I see that you are interested in "knowning" more about the class discussion but based on "Host," I'm curious to know how you can "assure" that you are not racist. How did you interpret the essay?